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Turf Watering Guide

Turf Watering Guide

Posted by Lisa Taylor on 13th Jun 2023

Like all plants, lawns require water to help the grass grow properly. Staying in the UK, we are lucky in that we get quite a lot of rain and our lawns get most of their water supply by natural means. At this time of year however, rain can be scarce, and even if your garden does see the occasional shower it might not be enough to water your grass properly. This is especially true right now, when we are experiencing a particularly long spell of good weather.

Watering established lawns is an essential element of lawn maintenance, however particular attention should be paid to new lawns where the area has just been turfed. Sufficient watering from the beginning is integral for healthy establishment and growth.

Watering New Lawns

Newly laid turf will require a good watering immediately after it has been laid to help bed it in. A sprinkler is recommended for this as it avoids a lot of pressure on the turf that can occur with a direct water source, thus reducing the chance of any damage to the fragile root system. It also ensures that your turf gets enough water, as using a hose sparingly will not be enough! In summer months a new lawn should be watered twice a day – ideally in the early morning and in the evening to avoid the mid-afternoon sun scorching the water on the grass. If the weather is hotter, drier or windier than usual then more time should be spent watering to give the turf the soaking required.

The need for additional watering can be assessed by gently lifting the corner of one of the turf rolls to see if the soil has adequate moisture – if it looks dry and flaky then the chances are it needs more water. Each watering should be heavy or long enough to enable the water to penetrate deep into the root and soil area. Wet leaves are definitely not a sign of sufficient water! Also, any areas that start to look brown or dry definitely require more moisture, so water extensively to promote healthy growth.

Tell tale signs that your turf hasnt had enough water include the joins becoming more visible, and the corners curling up.

Can you over-water a new lawn?

Yes. Applying too much water can cause the soil to become saturated and prolonged exposure to wet, soggy conditions can suffocate the turf. Grass roots must have access to both water and oxygen. It is a fine balance between not watering enough and over watering although it is not too difficult to identify when the watering has been sufficient.

While there is a risk of over watering a new lawn don’t worry too much. The real danger that is more common is not watering enough.

Hopefully the good weather stays with us for the rest of summer. If it does, be sure to water your lawn thoroughly!