Lawn Aeration

Why should you aerate your lawn?

Over time soil compacts. When the soil compacts it reduces the amount of oxygen in the root zone and this can have a detrimental affect on root growth. The root structure needs oxygen to help absorb water and nutrients which are used to produces a green, healthy grass sward. Aerating is not required on all lawns; however it is recommended on areas of high usage and footfall.


Benefits of lawn aeration

-          Alleviates soil compaction

-          Creates stronger roots

-          Increases the distribution of water, oxygen and nutrients through the soil

-          Prevents excess build up of lawn thatch or other debris

Before aerating your lawn

You should cut your grass a couple of days before aerating your lawn. (If this will be the first cut of the growing season remember not to cut it too short. After a long winter this could shock your grass and hinder growth.)

Aerating works best on moist ground. Aerate the day after a good rain shower or alternatively manually water it the day before

How to aerate your lawn

You can use a hollow tine aerator, hire a spiking machine or use a fork to spike holes into the grass.

We supply a hollow tine aerator which pulls little plugs of soil out.

Work systematically over your lawn and ‘spike’ at regular intervals. If you are using a hollow tine aerator leave the plugs of soil on your lawn. These will decompose and work their way back into the soil. Your lawnmower will break them up or you can do this manually with a spade or fork.

What to do after aerating your lawn

Your lawn will benefit from a seasonal fertiliser to put nutrients back into the grass roots. Spring is an ideal time for this to help it grow and prepare for summer. If you have bald or sparse areas on your grass you should over-seed, and water in thoroughly.

The most important thing to do after aerating is to establish a regular basic lawn care routine. Regular watering and mowing will help keep your lawn looking fresh, green and healthy.