Meet the Team: Richard, our turf harvesting hero!

Meet the Team: Richard, our turf harvesting hero!

Posted by Lisa Pieraccini on 3rd Apr 2024

Allow us to introduce you to another key player at Peacock Turfscape, none other than Richard Warnock, our turf harvester driver.

Richard is our main turf harvester driver and operator, responsible for cutting our turf and making necessary adjustments to the kit where required to keep our turf offering consistent. His tasks don’t stop there, as he’s very hands on and provides mechanical and operational support to our turf growing team.

Richard has been an integral part of our family since the humble beginnings, for a whopping 14 years in fact. Throughout his 14 years Richard has dabbled in every facet of the business from the yard to the bagging plant, and even a little bit of office work in early days! As he moved through different roles he has also welcomed and nurtured many newcomers along the way.

What does Richard enjoy most about the job? In his current role as turf harvester, Richard loves the peace and quiet of the fields, and says, ‘There’s no office quite like the open fields, especially when the weather is on your side!’ Another great perk for him is the flexibility he has with working hours. During the summer months Richard is up with the lark to start harvesting turf in preparation for the day’s deliveries, which is great as he gets to leave a little bit earlier to enjoy time with his young family.

When asked about his most memorable time at work Richard mentioned two things – the joy he gets when friends and family send him pictures of our trucks out on the road, and the flurry of activity during the COVID era. He played a pivotal role in keeping the operations afloat amidst unprecedented challenges – often having to offload and bag up to 7 loose loads of aggregates a day! Those long days and tireless efforts stand as a testament to his dedication, which we are all grateful for.

While gaming used to be his go-to down time activity, Richard's priorities have shifted towards quality family time. When he's not chasing his almost 2 year old son around, he manages to squeeze in moments with friends and still likes to indulge his self-confessed inner geek with classics like James Bond, Highlander, and Star Wars.

Content with his current role, Richard is enjoying learning some extra skills of turf management and is proud to be part of Peacocks Turfscape’s onward journey. Here's to many more years of growth and greenery with Richard by our side!