​Aftercare Tips for Newly Laid Turf

​Aftercare Tips for Newly Laid Turf

Posted by Lisa Pieraccini on 23rd Aug 2024

Laying new turf can transform your garden instantly, but ensuring it thrives requires careful aftercare. Here are some tips to help your new lawn establish strong roots and maintain its lush appearance.

1. Stay Off the Turf Until Established

One of the most crucial steps in caring for newly laid turf is to avoid walking on it until it has fully established. This usually takes around 2-3 weeks, depending on weather conditions. Walking on the turf too soon can cause indentations and disrupt the rooting process, leading to an uneven lawn.

2. Water Sufficiently to Prevent Shrinkage

Newly laid turf needs lots of water to for the roots to establish. Water the lawn thoroughly every day for the first couple of weeks, especially during dry spells. Ensure the water reaches the soil beneath the turf, preventing it from shrinking or developing dry patches. Early morning or late evening is the best time to water, as this reduces evaporation.

3. Don’t Cut it Until it’s Started to Root

Before you cut your new lawn, make sure the grass has started to root. This typically takes 2-3 weeks. You can check this by gently tugging on the grass; if it resists, it's ready for the first cut. Cutting too early can damage the tender roots, slowing down the establishment process.

4. Avoid Cutting Too Low Initially

For the first cut, set your mower blades higher than usual and only take a little bit off to avoid shocking the grass. If you cut too low you will notice the blades look white, and if done too often that can stunt growth and impact the overall health of the lawn.

5. Gradually Reduce the Blade Height

As the grass becomes more established, you can gradually lower the blade height on your mower. Lowering the height in stages ensures the grass adapts to being cut shorter without undue stress, promoting a dense and healthy lawn. 13-25 mm is an ideal height for summer and 40mm in spring and autumn.

6. Establish a Regular Maintenance Routine

Once your lawn is established, maintaining it is key to keeping it lush and green. In the summer months you should aim to mow your lawn at least once a week but keep an eye on length and adjust according to conditions.

For optimum health you should establish a regular fertilising routine starting after 4-6 weeks of laying and then every 3 months. Many people opt to apply a seasonal fertiliser as the seasons change. You can’t go wrong with a generic seasonal fertiliser, but always check the label for application rates and usage advice.

7. Monitor for Weeds and Pests

As turf is a natural product it is susceptible to airborne weeds, pests and disease. Monitor regularly for any adverse signs and address issues promptly to prevent them from taking hold.

Lawn grass can be quite hardy, and by following these aftercare tips, your new lawn will have the best chance to thrive, giving you a beautiful, green space to enjoy for years to come.